Náš tým (our team)

Vedení CBAP

Tereza Kirsch – Výkonná ředitelka/Executive Director

Tereza Kirsch studied Master’s Degree in International Relations and European Studies at Metropolitan University Prague. She completed 3 year internship at the Center for Security Studies at Metropolitan University Prague, where she obtained Certificate of Security Studies. She also completed a research internship at the Institute of International Relations in Prague, where lately continued in conference service. Furthermore, she also worked as an External assistant for the Chairman of the Defense Committee, House of Commons of the Czech Republic. She has been focusing on the Middle East, especially on Syria, Iraq, Iran, and the Yazidi minority, but also on European Security and counter-terrorism. Tereza is a regular guest lecturer at Metropolitan University Prague and has done several guest lectures also at the University of Economics, Prague (Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze). She has been publishing for CBAP as well as International Policy under the Institute of International Relations. She speaks Czech, English and Spanish.

contact: tereza.kirsch.cbap@gmail.com


Martin Laryš – ředitel (director)

larys_2Martin Laryš completed a master’s degree in Political Science at Masaryk University in Brno in January 2009. Furthermore, he conducted several internships abroad in Ukraine (Lviv, Kyiv) and the Russian Federation (Moscow), where he worked in the private sector in 2010-2014 (business consultant and intermediary for Czech companies, business development) and as a correspondent for Czech newspapers ‚Lidové noviny‘. In 2009-2012 he worked as an AMO analyst. He is the author of several professional publications, appearances at conferences and media appearances. He is the solver of several projects and grants related to the political, economic and security dimensions of the post-Soviet space. He is currently developing business relations between Czech and Slovak companies in the South Caucasus, especially in Georgia. He speaks English, Russian, Ukrainian and Serbian

Martin Laryš absolvoval v lednu 2009 magisterské studium Politologie na Masarykově univerzitě v Brně a několik zahraničních studijních stáží na Ukrajině (Lvov, Kyjev) a v Ruské federaci (Moskva), kde v letech 2010-2014 působil v soukromé sféře (obchodní konzultant a zprostředkovatel pro české společnosti, business development) a jako dopisovatel Lidových novin. V letech 2009-2012 působil jako analytik AMO. Je autorem řady odborných publikací, vystoupení na konferencích a mediálních výstupů. Je řešitelem několika projektů a grantů, spojených s politickou, ekonomickou a bezpečnostní dimenzí post-sovětského prostoru. V současné době rozvíjí obchodní vztahy českých a slovenských společností na jižním Kavkaze, především v Gruzii. Ovládá anglický, ruský, ukrajinský a srbský jazyk.

contact: larys@cbap.cz


Zdeněk Rod – Project Manager

Zdeněk Rod is a research fellow and PhD candidate at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Department of Politics and International Relations. He is also a deputy executive director at the Centre for Security Analysis and Prevention in Prague, at the German policy think-tank EuropaNova Germany and Ambis University. He focuses on security studies problematique. His PhD thesis focuses on implementing security-development nexus approaches in a post-conflict environment. He has also studied at universities in Ljubljana, Budapest, and European Security and Defence Colleague in Brussels, and conducted several research visits, for instance, to the NATO CIMIC Centre of Excellence in the Hague. He worked at the Czech Ministry of Defence. He also published and co-authored several academics, such as Latin American Policy or the Czech Journal of International Relations, and non-academic articles in Visegrad Insight, Austria Institut Für Europa Und Sicherheitspolitik or Atlantic Forum.

contact: zdenek.rod.cbap@gmail.com




Jan Šenfeld

Jan Šenfeld is currently student of Bachelor degree of International Relations – Territorial Studies at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. His main focus is on international security, military area and antique phylosophy. He speaks Czech and English.

Matěj Bíma

Matěj Bíma is studying the second year of his Bachelor’s degree in International Relations – Territorial Studies at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. He successfully completed a study stay at the University of Osh in Kyrgyzstan (Osh State University), where he received certificate of study in Central Asia. He has been focusing on Asia, especially on Central Asia and countries like Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and their relations, problems and cooperation in various sectors. He speaks Czech and English.

Tomáš Hutta

Tomáš Hutta is currently a student at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, studying International Relations and Territorial Studies in the second year of his Bachelor’s degree. His research focus is on the Middle East and South America. As such, he is mostly interested in the conflicts that plague these regions. He speaks Czech and English.

Research Fellows:

Matyáš Knol

Lorenzo Piccioli

Lorenzo Piccioli holds a master’s degree in World Politics and International Relations from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) and the University of Florence. After having completed his university studies, Lorenzo has attended the XXIII Join Staff Superior Course, offered by the Italian High Command. He has collaborated with the Moscow-based Institute of International Relations and World Economy (IMEMO), and with the Italian Institute for International relations Analysis (IARI). His current research interests include the Post-Soviet Space, the Security and Defence and the Military History areas.