CONFLICT REPORT 2 – South Sudan: Ethnic Violence and Peacekeeping
The CBAP Conflict Report, whose second issue you are currently reading, is a biannual publication aiming to provide
on-point information about problems relevant to the selected conflict. Every issue of the Conflict Report will focus on specific aspects of a selected armed conflict raging around the world, analyse them and offer insight into their inner and outer dynamics.
In this regard, the presented issue offers three texts providing an insight into ethnical violence in South Sudan. The first article, by Petra Melová and Klára Mrázková, addresses the question of Nuer White Army as a model example of
motivations for ethnical violence in South Sudan. Then, the piece by Karolína Karásková and Zuzana Špinderová looks into the UN peacekeeping effectiveness vis-à-vis casualties in South Sudan civil war. Finally, Jakub Kuchar and Adriána Oboňová’s work analyses the levels of discourse regarding the ethnic violence in South Sudan.
Radka Roháriková & Jakub Kuchar
CBAP Conflict Report Project Managers
To download the full document click here ⇒ SOUTH SUDAN: ETHIC VIOLENCE AND PEACEKEEPING