Our.Future: Visegrad 2025
CBAP took part in this international project led by STRATPOL https://stratpol.sk/ourfuture-visegrad-2025/. The project was completely unique in its scope and multidisciplinary approach. By focusing on the past, present, and future developments we wanted to provide a complex look at the V4, effectively promoting the V4 and raising public awareness of the V4 cooperation.
The project seeks to promote the V4 through imaginative exploring of its near and midterm future and the analysis of the past and present developments in the region. Forward-thinking, discussing the common future, favouring innovation and creativity are the best ways to support mutual understanding between V4 citizens.
You can access the report: https://stratpol.sk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Our-Future-Visegrad-2025-final.pdf